~pathlib.Path | str, file_type: ~typing.Literal['hdf', 'json'] | None = None, base_class: ~typing.Type[~imucal.calibration_info.CalibrationInfo] = <class 'imucal.calibration_info.CalibrationInfo'>) CalibrationInfo[source]#

Load any calibration info object from file.


Path name to the file (can be .json or .hdf)


Format of the file (either hdf or json). If None, we try to figure out the correct format based on the file suffix.


This method finds the correct calibration info type by inspecting all subclasses of base_class. Usually that should be kept at the default value.


This function determines the correct calibration info class to use based on the cal_type parameter stored in the file. For this to work, the correct calibration info class must be accessible. This means, if you created a new calibration info class, you need to make sure that it is imported (or at least the file it is defined in), before using this function.

Examples using

Custom Calibration Info Subclass

Custom Calibration Info Subclass

Annotate a session and perform a Ferraris Calibration

Annotate a session and perform a Ferraris Calibration